Kythos Chips

Private Brand: Kythos
Retailer: Koba D1
Country: Colombia
Category: G3. Packaged Goods
Agency: scd


Ana Maria Mesa, Photographer. SCD
Natalia Delgadillo, Design, SCD


The initial brand was conceived as a private label for D1 supermarket in Colombia. Nevertheless the brand did not communicate quality, nor pop out on the supermarket shelf. The purpose of the redesign was to create an aspirational brand, that would stand out in the display. The challenge was to generate a new feeling to costumers, without losing the old ones that were already attached to the brand due to low prices and good quality. The result is a new brand that does not look like a private label, but achieves to communicate the good quality of the product. The consumer does not feel like buying a cheap brand, that might create disappointment. People start to be proud of getting this brand, without being embarrassed to be buying a private label. The sales of this brand were doubled in the last year.

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