Paperbird Premium Bath Tissue

Private Brand: Paperbird Premium
Retailer: Wakefern Banners
Country: United States
Category: P4. Health Care:
Agency: PearlFisher/SGS Co.


SGS Co, Production Team.
Laura Kind, VP Brand Strategy, Wakefern
Glenn Pfeifer, Design Mgr, Wakefern


As Wakefern embarked upon re-imagining our entire private brand portfolio, we wanted our non-food brand to challenge the everyday, functional design systems in the household category and deliver a feeling you achieve when “all the basics are sorted.”  Paperbird Premium is a range of high-quality products that are easy to shop an effortless to rely on. Our new brand is uplifting, human and calm. All initial sales since our launch have exceeded expectations and are significantly up from our old private label items vs same time period last year

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