Jumbo Fresh Juices

Brand: Jumbo
Jumbo Supermarkten N.V.
Country: The Netherlands
Category: G1. Fresh
Agency: OD design studio

Jumbo has the ambition to offer an attractive range in every category. And with the arrival of more retail concepts that focus on ‘convenience’, Jumbo must continue to develop products that the customer has a growing need for. As these: ultra fresh juices. The design distinction can be found in the concept with a view to honest, tasty food. The minimalism is key for freshness and an extra segmentation layer has been added in a playful way too stand out and connect


  • Brand Manager Jumbo: Sabine Snijders-Simons
  • Concept: OD
  • Art Directors: Lotje Nieuwenhuis, Niels Alkem
  • Typography: OD

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